
I would like to thank Giacomo Bertoldi, for giving me this opportunity, Alberto Sartori for his help during the whole master, Ing. Piero Calucci for his assistance, Stefano Salon for his advice, and Alessandro Vuan for his patience.

I would also like to thank Nuno Carvalhais for the conversations we had and all the good ideas he gave me (all the bad ones are mine of course).

Finally, I would like to thank Fulvio and Erica for the good times we had together during this strange, difficult, transformative year, Cosimo for his tenacious encouragement and Giorgio, aka “Il Sommo”, whose discreet example and savvy words have so much influence on me; to him goes the merit (or demerit, the future will tell) of suggesting me to apply for the MHPC.

The inspiration of this work comes from the GEOtopOptim and geotopbricks R packages by E. Cordano [CDF15,Cor15].

G. Bertoldi work on the GEOtop model was partly supported by the European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme Investment for growth and jobs ERDF 2014-2020 under Project number ERDF1094, Data Platform and Sensing Technology for Environmental Sensing LAB – DPS4ESLAB.”

Experimental observations used in this work were collected thanks to the project MONALISA - Monitoring key environmental parameters in the Alpine Environment involving science, technology and application, financed by the Special Research Fund of the Province of Bolzano and in the framework of the LTSER Platform Matsch | Mazia, which belongs to the national and international Long-Term Ecological Research Networks (LTER-Italy, LTER-Europe and ILTER).

The research reported in this work was supported by Eurac, OGS, and CINECA under HPC-TRES program award number 2019-33.


E. Cordano. Geotopoptimpso calibration/optimization wrapper r package for the hydrological model geotop. 2015. Last accessed on 2021-3-21. URL:


E. Cordano, Andreis D., and Zottele F. Geotopbricks: an r plug-in for the distributed hydrological model geotop. 2015. Last accessed on 2021-3-21. URL: